Becoming an Adult

Becoming an Adult

Six Things Not To Do When You Choose A Home Insurance Policy

Robin King

As a homeowner, one of the most important things you can do to protect the investment you make in your home is purchase home insurance. If you're still paying off a mortgage, your mortgage lender will probably even require you to purchase home insurance.

It's important to select your home insurance coverage wisely. Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes make costly mistakes regarding their home insurance choices. The following are six things not to do when you choose a home insurance policy to avoid costly problems as a homeowner. 

Being unaware of the limitations of the coverage you're getting on your policy

A lot of homeowners neglect to read the fine print on their home insurance policies. This leads to unpleasant surprises about coverage limitations down the road when it comes time to file a claim.

Make sure you understand exactly what coverage you're getting. You should never assume that you're covered for a particular cause of damage. Instead, get the facts by reading the fine print of your policy. 

Purchasing an inadequate amount of home insurance coverage

Too many homeowners buy policies that don't insure them for the full value of their property and possessions. It's important to do the math when you purchase a home insurance policy to determine exactly how much coverage you need.

It's best if you carry enough home insurance coverage to cover the full value of your home. This saves you from severe financial loss in the event of extensive home damage. 

Choosing a very low deductible

Purchasing a home insurance policy with a low deductible could unnecessarily push up the costs of your home insurance premiums. Buying a policy with a higher deductible can save you money on a monthly basis while still protecting your finances from liabilities as a homeowner. 

Neglecting to take advantage of discounts for bundling

Many home insurance providers also offer other types of insurance such as vehicle insurance. If you buy multiple types of insurance from one provider, you might be able to take advantage of a bundling discount. It's important to look into this possibility to enjoy lower insurance costs when possible. 

Insuring your home without looking into home upgrades that can reduce insurance premiums

It's often possible to qualify for various home insurance discounts if you make upgrades to home safety. For example, you might be able to enjoy lower home insurance premiums if you invest in a home security system.

Research upgrades that can qualify you for insurance discounts so that you can enjoy both cheaper insurance coverage and a more secure home.

Failing to look into your flood coverage needs

Unfortunately, flood insurance is not typically included in home insurance policies. Flood insurance coverage either needs to be added to a home insurance policy or bought separately. 

If you live in an area that's susceptible to flood damage, having flood coverage is essential. Make sure you research your flood insurance needs and see to it that they are adequately met. 


2024© Becoming an Adult
About Me
Becoming an Adult

After I graduated college, I started to feel like an adult. I started teaching at a school. I also bought a car. And I became the owner of several insurance policies. I obtained a comprehensive insurance policy for my car. I also secured my first life insurance policy at this time. I didn’t want my family members to be burdened with funeral costs if I suddenly passed away. A few years after graduating college, I became a homeowner. After this joyous occasion, I invested in a homeowners insurance policy. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common types of insurance people purchase.